T= 0 - +73.191

Fleeing Shadows - T= 0 - +73.191

Sculptures derived from archival photos of the space shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986, which killed all seven crew members and set back the manned exploration of space for decades.

T= 0 - +73.191 is based on archival photos of the disaster, is cast from aluminum and polished to reflect the surrounding environment.

The sculpture functions as a physical timeline from ignition to the explosion.    

T=00.000 Solid rocket ignition command is sent. T+72.564 Data shows a sudden lateral acceleration to the right  
jolts the shuttle with a force that may have been felt  
by the crew.
T+01.000 Astronaut Judy Resnik, intercom: “Aaall Riight!”  
Shuttle pilot Michael Smith, intercom: “Here we go.”
T+72.624 Solid rocket boosters continue showing high  
nozzle motion rates.
T+64.705 A leak has started in the shuttle’s  
liquid hydrogen tank.
T+72.964 Challenger beams back its final navigation update.
T+64.937 A bright, sustained glow is photographed  
on the side of the external fuel tank.
T+73.000 Main engine liquid oxygen propellant pressures  
begin falling sharply at turbopump inlets.
T+65.524 Evidence of Challenger experiencing  
transient motion.
T+73.010 Smith, intercom: “Uh oh...” This is the last comment  
captured by the crew cabin intercom recorder.
T+66.000 Data shows the left wing’s outboard  
elevon moves suddenly.
T+73.044 Last data is captured by the Tracking and  
Data Relay Satellite in orbit overhead, indicating  
structural breakup has begun in that area.
T+66.174 Booster systems engineer: “Throttle up, three at 104.”  
Greene: “Capcom (Covey), go at throttle up.”
T+73.045 Sharp decrease in liquid hydrogen pressure  
to the main engines.
T+66.764  Tracking cameras show a bright spot suddenly  
appears in the exhaust plume from the side of  
the right-side rocket motor.
T+73.137 Internal pressure in the right-side rocket booster  
is recorded,indicating about 100,000 pounds  
less thrust. Tracking cameras detect evidence  
indicating a massive rupture near the SRB-tank  
attach ring. Forward acceleration begins pushing  
the tank up into the liquid oxygen section in  
the tip of the external fuel tank.
T+67.684 The flame has wrapped around the joint  
as the leak deteriorated.
T+68.000 Telemetry indicates falling pressure in the  
17-inch-wide liquid oxygen propellant lines  
feeding the three main engines.
T+73.143 Vapors appear near the intertank section separating  
the hydrogen and oxygen sections accompanied  
by liquid hydrogen spillage from the aft dome of  
the external tank.
T+70.000 Nesbitt: “Engines are throttling up.  
Three engines now at 104 percent.”  
Covey: “Challenger, go at throttle up.”
T+72.204 Scobee, air-to-ground: “Roger, go at throttle up.” T+73.162 All three main engines respond to loss of oxygen  
and hydrogen inlet pressure. A sudden cloud of  
rocket fuel appears along the side of the external  
tank. The nose of the right-hand booster pivoted  
into the intertank area, compounding the liquid  
oxygen rupture.
T+72.284 Data shows divergent up and  
down motions of the nozzles at the base of both  
solid rocket boosters.
T+72.478 A large ball of orange fire appears higher on  
the other side of main fuel tank, closer to  
Challenger’s cabin, and grows rapidly.
T+73.191 A sudden brilliant flash is photographed between  
the shuttle and the external tank. Fireballs merge  
into bright yellow and red mass of flame that engulfs  
Challenger. A single crackling noise is heard  
on air-to-ground radio
T+72.525 The nozzles of the three liquid-fueled main  
engines begin moving at high rates:  
Five degrees per second.